Tool materials: fluorinated tools, air conditioning, one bottle of Freon.
1. open the air conditioning operation, refrigeration mode (winter can not open refrigeration, can put the temperature sensor in hot water), fluorination pipe connected to the external machine interface (there are two copper pipes, liquid need to connect the interface of the thick pipe)

2..Then, we need to start the compressor and use the pressure difference between the cylinder and the refrigeration system to fill the refrigerant gas. It should be noted that if the refrigeration system is vacuumed in advance, refrigerant gas should be filled in the shutdown state, and then start the machine to fill fluorine when the pressure gauge pointer no longer rises.

3,.open the refrigerant cylinder valve and pressure gauge three-way valve (note: The cylinder is placed upright, do not stand upside down), start fluorinating, filling for a period of time (time control, different air conditioning filling time is different), close the cylinder valve, check the pressure gauge reading (the reading will slowly fall back and finally stop), generally need to be added to 0.4-0.5MPa in summer, and about 0.3MPa in winter.

4.After 30 minutes of commissioning in the air, if the air conditioner operates normally, it means that the fluoridation is basically successful. Otherwise, the copper pipe or connector of the air conditioner may leak.

5. The amount of refrigerant must be controlled. Add more, affect the heat dissipation, add less, caused by insufficient cooling capacity. If the internal refrigerant is too little, it will lead to the internal pressure is too low, and the heat taken away by the process of compression and release work is reduced, and the air conditioner can not achieve the expected refrigeration effect.